Funerals, Weddings and Real Estate

Last week was a little bit crazy…it started off with a funeral and ended with a wedding. In between, real estate kept me busy – trying to close a few escrows, fighting with a bank, writing offers, and trying to find a better solution for a buyer that didn’t involve suing a seller. In other words, a normal week, buttressed by stark reminders of mortality and blessings. Which makes one think…

We all know that life is precious, but it is so easy to forget that and get caught up in the day to day banalities. We have the tendency to go about our routines and get through each day, but many of us do not really think about our blessings unless we are reminded of them – such as when we see a sunset or sunrise, a new baby or a puppy, a rescue, or a sick or scared person smile.

I like to think of my blessings often, but like you, I am guilty now and then of getting through a day without doing so. Life is busy, and often one has to just deal with what is on the plate that day in order to move forward to the next set of tasks. Last week provided me the opportunity to really think about all that I am grateful for, and the fullness that comes from being satisfied with my place in this world.

How is this related to real estate, you might ask?  I believe everything in life has it’s place and time. I have some buyers who are waiting to find the “right” home, and some sellers who are deciding when is the “right” time to list their property for sale. In the last year I have had to go way beyond the norm to get offers accepted for people and to close escrows, and I have worked harder than ever. I know that things will work out as they are supposed to, and I will continue working hard until my clients are satisfied.

The other day on the freeway (on the way to the wedding), a man driving very recklessly cut me off and almost hit me. I put my hand on the horn and he flipped me off. Unbelievable, yes. But I felt sorry for him – he was not truly living and accepting responsibility. Being upset at strangers when they have done nothing wrong (or worse, when you are the one who made the mistake!) suggests it’s time to reevaluate!

We should all enjoy the ride and the lessons we learn every day in life. All we can do is our best, but more importantly, we should all strive to appreciate this life and the challenges we face. So…if you haven’t found your dream home yet, that perfect investment property, or if you don’t think it’s time to sell your home, don’t worry. The time will be right when it is right. In the meantime, keep your focus and enjoy every moment, because you will never live that moment again.

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Rachel LaMar on October 23, 2012 at 12:10 pm

    Well said, Mark! I believe that in our hearts most of us understand these things, but it is very easy to forget them on a daily basis. We really have to push ourselves to remember and live our lives in such a manner.

  2. Mark on October 23, 2012 at 11:58 am

    When you are old, will you have memories of time well spent with loved ones? Or a huge estate to leave to….no one?

    Think about what is really important in life. Love. Family. Friends. Laughter. Joy. Things that money cannot buy but require time to fully enjoy.

    Take the time to enjoy the most precious things in life. Which really are not things…

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