Protect Carlsbad Property Values!

If you are a Carlsbad resident you need to be aware of a very important issue that could impact your property values and quality of life for many years to come. There is a proposal to build a new power plant on the existing power plant site on the coast just north of Tamarack Avenue on Carlsbad Blvd. The California Energy Commission will meet in February 1 and 2 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Carlsbad. Public comment begins at 6 p.m. on both days.

For those who are unaware, there has been a bitter battle over replacing the existing plant with a new plant. Many local residents and Village and beach lovers oppose this idea and are in favor of building the plant further inland, away from the coast (as the plant no longer needs salt water to run, which was the reason it was built by the coast originally, many years ago). Doing so would save the coastal land and allow for other uses, prevent pollution along the coast (it is estimated the new plant will increase pollution 10 times the current rate), prevent an eyesore (the current tower would be overshadowed by two 14 story towers and multiple industrial structures) and prevent potential danger from having a power plant so close to Interstate 5. The City of Carlsbad is opposed to the new plant as well.

Please view the video to get further information on the proposed changes and please attend the February meetings if you want to voice your opinion. Let’s keep Carlsbad the pristine beach town that it is, and not bring more pollution and ugly industrial plants to coastal property.

For more information from the City on the proposed power plant please go to


1 Comment

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