Happy Valentines Day and Thank You!

Happy Valentine’s Day! There is no better day to say “Thank You” to my clients and friends, and to express the love and gratitude I feel for each one of you, and for your support. Each of the candy hearts in the photo represents a home I have sold. Whether it was a purchase or…

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On Being Thankful…and Thanking You!

We each  have so much to be thankful for…some more than others, but each one of us can list a few blessings – good health, loved ones, a roof over our heads, a job, food…at this time of year most people reflect on their lives and realize that there are definitely reasons to be thankful.…

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Have You Thanked Your Customers Lately?

With the onslaught of social media and the digital age many people, myself included, lament the loss of humanization – that personal touch, face-to-face contact, handwritten notes and handshakes or hugs. In the interest of doing things faster and getting more accomplished in a shorter time, we tend to overlook the most important part of…

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Expressions of Gratitude

I recently received an email from a friend that really hit home. She asked if upon seeing members of the military, “have you ever wanted to say thank you, but didn’t, and later wished you had?” I know that personally every time I see a member of our military I have wondered how to say…

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